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casting process design中文是什么意思

用"casting process design"造句"casting process design"怎么读"casting process design" in a sentence


  • 铸造工艺设计


  • Our team of engineer is highly experienced with eight of them have years of experience in casting process design , which enables our service to cover processes of casting process design , pattern design , pattern making and sample producing
  • Technologies such as chemical constitution selecting , alloy melting , casting process designing and optimizing , mechanical machining and heat treatment process on pump body , impeller , front and rear board of cw . nb450 dredge pump abrasion resistance parts are concluded
    摘要总结了用于挖泥船的cw . nb450型泥泵过流耐磨部件泵壳、叶轮、前后衬板的化学成分选择、合金熔炼、铸造工艺设计及优化、机械加工、热处理工艺等技术。
用"casting process design"造句  
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